The water main is inside the house and not the thing in the yard stamped water. Turn it harder to get it to turn off.
When the plumbing supply store says buy both and see which one you need, it's a good idea.
When you start to lock your door and notice the key is bent at a weird angle, don't try to bend it back in the lock. It is hard to remove from the lock when the key breaks in half.
When you lock the baby in the car going to pick up the girls from Girl Scouts, don't do when your husband is at work. But if you do, make sure the neighbors are home and willing to bring you a spare key. Thank them profusely!!
The You Tube video showing someone unlocking their car over a cell phone to cell phone connection does not work. The guy at best buy was wrong.
Puppies really will chew on anything!! And keep the baby out of reach during a diaper change. Not even a puppy should lick there right then.
Don't even try taking pictures with a cranky baby. It won't be pretty!