Monday, September 17, 2007

The Breakfast Thief

So, school started two weeks ago, and after the first week of school, I got an automated phone calling informing me that my child's cafeteria balance was low. Now I was surprised when I got the call as I had been sending both girls with their lunches. I had seen the breakfast menu and was not excited to have the girls eating all that, so I feed them at home & sent lunches.

Now Sydney on the first day had misplaced her lunch box, so she had lunch then, but I could not figure out the call since that was usppossed to be "free". So I questioned Emily. (I had stolen chocolate milk in Kindergarten and wondered if that was genetic.) She assurred me she was not taking anything extra, so I decided to deal with the issue on Monday. I dropped off Emily, and questioned Sydney's teacher about her eating lunches there-had she gotten food at lunch-oh no. She brought her lunch, they knew that. But somehow, they mentioned breakfast. It turns out the preschool class all go together to breakfast, and my little monkey had been eating two breakfast every morning and run up a small bill. She assured me that she was hungry for more breakfast, and she was eating her lunch that I packed, so we compromised. I send in a yogurt and she eats with her class every morning and now we are all happy!

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