Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well it has been a long time

So, now for a quick update.  Emily & Sydney are doing fine, both have been fairly challenging for different reasons.  Emily likes to threaten us that if we say things she does not like, ie. no burping at the table, she will write a note to Mrs. Porter telling her what we did wrong.  We had a talk about things that you need to hear, and things that are actually rude/mean.  We even did a demonstration to help clarify matters.
On an absolutely adorable note, there are two boys in her class who like her, and one has gone so far as to tell on of the women working in the office that he has a girlfriend, Emily!  For Valentines Day he gave her a little ceramic teddy bear.  He also bought her some little hair things at a school Fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese. I don't think Emily knows she has a boyfriend though because she makes art for both the boys, as well as a few others in the class.  I was actually in the room this week when she was delivering her mornings stash of artwork, and saw the disappointment on one little boys face when he didn't get something.  So cute.

Sydney just can't seem to hear well.  She has a hearing test this Friday and I hope that gives us a better benchmark of where we are at right now. The "not hearing" leads to all sorts of frustrating behaviors!  

We went to the Portsmouth Children's Museum for a field trip last week with Sydney's class and had a really wonderful time.  I forgot my camera unfortunately, but I think it would be great to get a membership and go again with both girls.  I was really disappointed that some of the other classes on a field trip had really trashed a few of the exhibits. Sydney loved the trains exhibits, but didn't get as excited about just the model display trains as I was and kept urging me forward. 

Karl and I are doing well too.  I still love going to the YMCA, but have been a little under the weather lately which has no fun for anyone.  Karl is really struggling with a heavy work load but had a recent success of sorts as he placed some resumes at a job fair and got 2 offers right there.  He also got one "gee I wish you had a Masters", so that is back on the table. 

Oh, and I am considering trying to grow strawberries this year.  Any advice?

And Carrie the cat is doing much better now.  Yeah!  She had a somewhat pricey trip to the vet to get a diagnosis of idiopathic HAWS.  She got antibiotics, and dewormer and was told to be a good girl.  Her third eyelids are back in place now and she does not look possessed anymore. I am so grateful for that. On a positive note, she took medicine very well.  She did not even have to be burrito wrapped.  I still don;t understand why they made the medicine banana flavored.

Tonight the cats got baths because Carrie smelled like a wet dog. Not a good smell for a cat. She is a little grumpy right now, as is Abby.  And it should help Emily if we keep their dander at bay.  I honestly have never heard more pathetic cat noises than when Karl was bathing Abby. Amazingly enough, she didn't struggle, just wailed the whole time.

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