Saturday, April 5, 2008

And baby makes 3!

Well three kids that is! We are happy to let you all know that we are expecting another little baby in September. My new official due date is the 17th of September. (I thought earlier I was due on the 1st of October) I had my first appointment on Friday (It is a long story about why it took so long to see someone, but I was trying to get in earlier) I met with my new doctor and like her a lot. She did a quick ultrasound because we thought I was about 14 weeks, but think based on the ultrasound that I am closer to 16 weeks :) That is lots of fun to skip ahead 2 weeks like that.

I am feeling better than I did at first, and very grateful that this seems to be to going very well so far. I have been pretty tired, but what can you do!! We are definitely nervous about adding another munchkin into the mix, and the girls have mixed feelings about it all. We think Emily is excited, but Sydney seems slightly more reserved on the subject. Hopefully she will get used to the idea:) We hope to find out what we are having in just a few weeks. I have an appointment on the 21st, so we will keep you posted.

For those who have a hard time reading ultrasound pictures, that is a head in profile. The baby was pretty wiggly and not all that interested in cooperating as they measured the little thing, so this is the best we could get. I am hoping to maybe get a chance to have one of the very fun Level II ultrasounds later on at about 28 weeks, but we will see if that can happen.


  1. Congrats! Brian will be sad to hear this news since it seems to rule out the Pilz contigency attending the September 13th nuptuals! But otherwise very exciting news.

  2. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best as you are soon to be outnumbered by the kids 3-2! Hope you have a smooth & eventless pregnancy, as well.

  3. Hmmmm... aside from kk's thoughts, September 13 would be a great birthday!! in common with two uncles.

  4. Rats, I was hoping it was a July/August wedding! I really wanted to come. hmm, maybe I'l go really early and we can still come:))

  5. Yeah, those newborns just sleep anyways and are portable. Or maybe you could go really late? Although I wouldn't want to wish that on anyone! It seems like Bri & Gia could plan better around new babies.

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! My third has turned out to be my EASIEST baby by far. Hopefully you'll have the same experience :)

  7. Congratulations! How exciting and fun! Like Maren, our third has been our easiest baby. Here's hoping your girls love being big (and super big) sisters!

  8. Congratulations! Having your due date moved up is never a bad thing. I hope you have a smooth and easy pregnancy. Three kids are a blast.
