Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy little Piglet!

Josh had his 2 week check up on Monday, and I was surprised to discover that he had gained 1lb 5oz since his check up 4 days after he was born. He also grew 1/2 an inch. All was well on his end, except of course he did not like the appointment very much and cried throughout his exam. Poor little guy! He was blessed this past Sunday so at least one grandmother could be here to see it, and it was a lovely blessing. Karl and his mom are struggling with colds and we are hoping with a little rest both will get better!


  1. He is sooooo cute!!!! Enjoy him while he is little, they grow so fast!!!!


  2. Congratulations!!! He is breathtakingly handsome (actually beautiful, but I know that's not very manly)! You probably aren't up for a "tag", but if you'd like here you go! Congratulations again!!! Boys are a lot of fun.

    Loni tagged me, and this sounded like fun. Here are the rules:

    Rules: Link the person who tagged you. Mention the rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirky things about you or your family. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

    Quirky things about the Nelson Nitwits:

    1. Jared - Jared may very possibly have 4 kidneys, 2 bladders, multiple ureters, etc. (Family genetic thing) :)
    2. Genevieve - I can go through 3/4 gallon of milk per day all by myself. Yeah, I earn back our Costco membership fee pretty quickly!
    3. Leah - Leah has a million different ideas for any topic imaginable. For instance, when Jared was designing both the dog house and the pantry, Leah immediately got out paper and began drafting her own visions of what could be. I asked her for suggestions for what I could make her for lunch, and she immediately went to work on drafting a menu. I did look at it, but got quickly overwhelmed.
    4. Kaitlyn - Kaitlyn holds her belly button for comfort. I asked her why she does this and she said it keeps her fingers warm.
    5. Hyrum - Hyrum sleeps best if his hands are touching both Jared and me. Basically this means that Hyrum has our bed and we're often both clutching the edges for dear life. He has slept spread eagle to touch both of us pretty much since birth. Yes, we do put him in his crib to start out with...
    6. Jaycee - Jaycee has a wonderful dog house that Jared built which is fully insulated, has a shingled, hinged roof (for easy cleaning if necessary), a built in spot for food and water so they can't spill, etc. and the dumb dog won't go in it!

    There you go. I tag Lisa, Andrea, Megan, Laura, Jessica, Heather, and anyone else who would get a kick out of doing this!

  3. Hi guys,

    For the counting ball passes video, the point is, did you see the gorilla? :)

    Congratulations again on that beautiful baby!


  4. Those pictures are darling. Your baby is adorable!
