Apparently my little guy is quite the sports nut. I knew he loved things that rolled and balls of all kinds, but I had no clue he might also be good at them, say better than the average 3 year old. (I may be biased though) I'm not excited about becoming a sports mom, we have avoided at Little League after it flopped with the girls, and three seemed young to start sports teams with Josh. I'm willing to reconsider if he loves it that much! But still, baseball bores me to tears.
Here is Josh playing ball in the backyard and doing a good job too, he was with a friend this afternoon while I got my shot for my back and she took him out to play t-ball. She was impressed he could hit balls thrown to him not just on the tee. I got out Sydneys old t-ball gear, yes it's pink, and we have had fun lining up potential objects to smash. It also gives him a chance to practice counting.
Oh and we are pretty sure he is a lefty.
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