Sunday, July 14, 2013

Arriving in Minnesota

Let me say,  South Dakota is huge.  We dawdled a bit and ended up in the car until 11pm driving across one incredibly long state.  At one point Emily asked if we were still in South Dakota,  yup.  One long flat road.  We spent the second night in Sioux Falls, got up, hung out and played at the park then headed to Minneapolis, where we'll stay for a week with another good friend of mine.  On our way I messed up the trip calculator and didn't get us to the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum, grrrr,  but we saw the Sod House.  Karl's mom just told the kids all about her Dad's life in Kansas in a sod house, and I was able to show them what it could have been like.  We saw a finished and quite lovely home,  and a homesteaders version. I am so grateful for my home!!  All my pictures are in the camera,  but just imagine a tiny space  smaller than an average kids bedroom with a dirt floor, dirt walls, and thatched roof and there you have a house for 5! 

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