Saturday, November 3, 2007

National Blog Posting Month

Did anyone know (besides Kristen) it is national blog posting month or National Novel writing month??? I just read the the link on Kristen's site and was intrigued by the idea. the idea either write a novel in 30 days-yikes-or write in your blog every day for 30 days. I will choose the blog obviously as my novel writing skills are a tad rusty never having been used even once! I love to read though. So I look forward to all those new books hitting the shelves next year from all the highly skilled novelist who wrote November novels. I will have to plead ignornace for the first 3 days of November though. This should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are joining the party. I find that the whole posting every day job gets harder as there are that many more new posts to read every day too! Will be sure to keep you updated on our hair photo shoot adventures.
